Plastic Overshoot Day is an initiative led by the non-for-profit arm of EA – Environmental Action, based in Lausanne.

Partner with us

Plastic Overshoot Day recognized the importance of knowledge sharing and transparency in addressing the urgent issue of plastic pollution. As part of our commitment, we provide access to valuable content for personal, non-commercial use on social media accounts or websites.

By collaborating with Plastic Overshoot Day, you can actively participate in unveiling groundbreaking information, engaging campaigns, and join us in urging governments and private sector to take immediate action. Together, we can push for urgent measures to clamp down on plastic production and usage, improve viable waste management systems, and advocate for sustainable alternatives to plastic.

By partnering with us, you gain access to a range of impactful resources:

  1. Entire communication toolkit related to Plastic Overshoot Day (September 5th, report and country specific content)
  2. Report 2024
  3. Be part of the September 5th Movement
  4. Country/region specific content

We are also open to discuss co-creation and promotion opportunities to further amplify our message and impact.